Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Twitter Dreaming

I believe we dream for a reason—to learn how to function better or advance in our lives. The instructions are from our own higher consciousness, often inaccessible to the conscious mind. Our dreams are for our own good, and usually do not apply to others. But I share this one here because I still need help in understanding something of which I have scant knowledge—Twitter.

I am with two or three others discussing the challenge of a friend. He wants help. The others are discussing their thoughts on how it might be resolved. I could not relate to what they were saying and decided to exit the circle. As I did, I started thinking my own thoughts on the matter, completely different than their ideas. I look back to the group from a place above and to the side.

I start writing my thoughts in various, short little statements. Then the concept of Twitter comes to me, and the hashtag, #sweetspot. (Been wondering about the usefulness of Twitter, what hashtag is supposed to mean—does Twitter really add value to the lives of anyone?)

Now, in my dream, I think I got it: Communicating thoughts represented by a single word with that (#) sign in front. So, I start doing the same with a half dozen ideas or so.

As I start to awaken, I recalled a momentary impulse of mine upon going to sleep. It probably prompted this dream.

Often in the night I find great satisfaction and peace in casual, skin-to-skin contact with my wife. It may be a cuddle—spoon style, holding her hand, or touching her bare skin anywhere—with hand, foot, elbow, or knee. I think going to sleep like that is a gentle and easy way of harmonizing our energetic vibration on a level higher than the apparent physical connection. The word that expresses this all-inclusive comfort and satisfaction to me is Sweet. In the dream it translated to Sweet Spot, which gives it physicality, and shows a connection between the two worlds of Spirit and Earth—Body and Soul. Soul to Soul—the two of us

Twitter? Well... it is to communicate our ideas, thoughts, musings, intellectualizing, etc. Whatever the subject or form of our communication—grand or insignificant, positive or negative—its effect on others is influenced by the emotional content. Twitter—in fact, all social media, any broadcast or utterance—causes effect in our community, potentially worldwide.

The content of Twitter indicates the consciousness of humankind.

(Your comments and suggestions are welcome.)