Friday, September 28, 2007

A Matter of Energy

Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos - the trees, the clouds, everything.
--Thich Nhat Hanh

Life is everywhere. The earth is throbbing with it, it's like music. The plants, the creatures, the ones we see, the ones we don't see, it's like one, big, pulsating symphony.
--Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure,
Mite Makes Right, 1994

Health is a measure of quality of life while on this planet. We are units of matter and energy – body & soul. We are even considered by some as all energy. In quantum physics matter is shown to be coalesced energy. The mystical view is that we are Soul having a body in our control. The movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!?, brings together science and spirituality. Yes, we are energetic or spiritual beings living in the environment of this planet. But let’s consider here the combined unit of matter and energy, since its separation is more a matter of religious issue than the science of health.

We are matter and energy. We function in an environment of space and time. This condition of MEST is by a constantly changing formula. That is we interact with other units of matter and energy (human and non-human alike) coordinated as to proximity. Whether by choice or happenstance we come into contact with other materials and energy fields that affect who we are and how we function. We choose a food. We breathe. We call a depressed daughter. We drive our SUV past a power station. We fly into LAX. Everything we do affects our energy. Our energy affects others. Our energy affects our matter.

Health is a matter of energy. We can improve our health by making better energy selections. All healing modalities actually work, or don’t work, by this method. Even chemical changes in our bodies affect our thinking, our moods, our dreaming, and our stamina. It affects our energy. Rapport with one’s doctor does affect our healing. We may choose another to strengthen the healing connection. If we feel, it will.

Today there are a lot of choices for directing ones own health. Many of them are systems that recognize the role of energy in the healing process. Chinese medicine, Network Chiropractic, homeopathy, gemstone therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Therapeutic Touch are just a few of these approaches. The body’s innate intelligence is the real healer. The pattern for perfect health is stored in the DNA. Using that pattern as the template for our lives, our matter/energy units, is the key to lasting health.

Did you know that therapeutic grade essential oils not only have constituents that affect the physiology of cells to boost stamina and energy, as well as supporting the body’s natural defenses, but also have been known to enhance the benefits of other energetic healing systems? Young Living Essential Oils (available through Share Essence Interactive) has the highest quality and largest selection of these oils attainable. Their essential oil blend of Valor for instance, may help the body self-correct its balance and alignment. Some chiropractors are seeing quicker improvements in their patients when it is used prior to an adjustment. Practitioners of Therapeutic Touch, Reiki and acupressure may also benefit using some of the emotional blends, like Release, Grounding, and Believe.

Health choices we make are more than what is at first apparent. The matter of energy starts first with consciousness.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Real World? -- Planet of the Apes

I'm seeing. I'm wondering. I'm scratching my head.

The political, economic and military principles seem to be like jumping monkeys in a zoo. (No offense George of the Jungle.) It's like we are watching the antics of these lesser primates, and thinking we are safe and secure outside the bars and cages. It would be entertaining if it really were a zoo and such animals were for our entertainment. But they are our leaders, our CEOs, our advisers. And it's very sad that we, the spectators, don't see how close to the Planet of the Apes we are.

What are your thoughts on this warring world, warming planets (it's not only this planet that is warming), and the media masters? Who can we believe?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Who's Driving Your Bus?

After reading an outstanding article Truth Or Consequences (a post on the condition of today's world), I have the following thoughts of my own:

Yes! It's all really common sense.

There are consequences for all of our actions. Aberrated actions are initiated by those who feel they have no power, so they assert themselves in a way to prove or dis-prove their belief. They just want to be acknowledged/understood/loved.

There is enough love for all. Our training from day one should enforce that.

But we are led to believe we have no power, and only those who can make a buck off our choices will lead us in love and life, health and prosperity. Whether it is corrupt government taxation, ads for mind-altering & body-enhancing drugs or media masturbation of the psychic wave of fear after a terrorist event--if someone wants your money, watch your their intentions and your course after submission.

Not that there isn't redeeming value in the mass media, popular culture and commercial/industrial enterprise. I think there is and I do subscribe to much of it by my choices in lifestyle. But do note: American Idol and the six-o'clock news, with their commercial breaks, show both ends of the spectrum--the best of values, and the worst. Be aware of the messages to the masses. Some subtle, some overt. And that's just TV.

Have you ever considered the number of school shooters, or mothers who kill their kids that are on anti-depressants. If the drug companies really felt their products were a benefit (to the patient not the profit-maker) they would not include in their ad: "There is no cure for ____, but (xyz brand) can help."

Bull! There is no condition that is not curable--internal, environmental, economic or whatever. The FDA?? Who do they really protect? Do some research.

We are taught that we need a savior or guru (religious or political, commercial or economic, in love and health) outside ourselves to pay respects for the meager and counterfeit blessings rendered in a dangerous world.

The only danger is not seeing who's in the driver seat. Love is the power that heals. If your belief is one of a higher power within yourself that is available to all, no matter what religion or nationality or position, then grab the wheel.

Take responsibility, not a joy ride (or drug-dulled one) down a road to a cliff.