Saturday, June 17, 2006

On Ann Coulter

There are whacked out people everywhere. It's good to know where they are to avoid their wrath and blundering, but I prefer to tune to those with higher consciousness. Getting caught up in the base emotion of hate, greed, righteousness, etc., just breeds more of it. I personally don't "pray" for anyone in the traditional sense, but give a more universal and detached blessing. E.g., May the Blessings Be. I believe the Source of Life operates by a master plan, and that all will eventually support it. Those who don't know, and operate against it, and of course those who know and do the same, will eventually face the effects of their own actions. The Law of Cause and Effect (karma) is the justice.

We all need a hug. And we all have access to the Source of Love. Those who don't know that will someday (some lifetime) learn.

Here is today's quote from the Eckankar website:

God loves Soul rich or poor. God does not necessarily love the poor more. God loves Soul. We can enjoy the things of this life and support our family with material goods with no feelings of guilt.

--Harold Klemp The Language of Soul

And my poem this morning on River-Tree Whispers:

Today's Gift

. everyday is a gift . but this one is sung from the trees . by full-feathered chorus line . and a squirrel . all song and nuts for the storm in the night . could have woke the dead . but i slept . sound in its lightning . nothing . but love and blessings . this earth . and its gift delivered . in light and sound .

I know this world is a harsh environment for Soul much of the time, but by practicing what I know is right, and using tools like the HU chant, I get by pretty good. :)

Thank you, Barbara, friend and artist. You make me think. See Barbara's work at Truthseeker.

1 comment:

  1. hey, it's handy girl! thanks for visiting my blog, i just responded to your comment. hope the stirrup image doesn't burn a hole in your brain...loving the poetry site and i'll keep going back. i eat poetry.
